Friday, November 20, 2009

Busy Couple of Weeks...

Well, Miss Addison has been busy this last couple of weeks. She has hit some motor milestones in a matter of weeks. On the 6th of this month, she started being able to go from being on her belly or on all fours and into a sitting position. Then a week later, on the 13th, she started crawling. This week she has become a more efficient crawler. Right now, she's just crawling to get things she wants, but I think it's only a matter of time before she's crawling to explore every inch of the house :) Our little girl is growing up so fast!

Here is a video of her on the day she started sitting herself up:

Here is a video of her crawling to get her book this afternoon. She loves books!


  1. She is really performing some impressive tricks!! I love how she pops her head up in the first video when she decides she is going to get up. So Cute! Are you in Memphis for Thanksgiving or is this when you are going to Florida?

  2. Yes she is such the little trickster. Trying to whip it all out in the same couple of weeks. So cute. She is seriously an adorable little crawler if I do say so myself. :)I love her hair!

  3. Soon she'll be pulling up and walking around the house!! We could do Ava's hair in little piggies like your sitter did for her but Claire is still practically bald!! If Addison ends up donating any of her hair to the people that need it, send it our way...
