This last week, I had inservice. So, my mom and grandmother came to town to watch Addison for me this first week. I got spoiled with having them cook a couple of dinners, clean my house, and love on my baby girl!! I think having them watch her this first week definitely helped me prepare for next week. Here are a few pictures from the past week or two.
Four generations of women in the family.

Addison is teething, so she will put anything in her mouth and chomp down. Here is Addison chewing on the top of a baby Tylenol bottle that has the little chewy "bulb" on top. My mom gave her that to chew on in the car when she was getting a little fussy and she liked it. She doesn't need a toy to put in her mouth, she'll grab for watches, bracelets, necklaces, hair, her outfits, fingers, etc.

This is now how Addison likes to sit in her bumbo chair most of the time. This position allows her to get anything within her reach. The other morning she tried to grab 3 items within a minute, so I was trying to get to those items before her to keep her from getting them or knocking them down :) She's growing up so fast!
Below, is a short video of her sitting up by herself on our bed with a special guest appearance by Layla. Lately she likes sitting in a chair with a few of her toys. She'll go from toy to toy and put them in her mouth while she's sitting up in the chair. The back and the sides of the chair give her support if she needs it. Like I said, she is growing up so fast! It's amazing at the changes that occur in a matter of days!
I hope everyone has a great week!