Well, it's been about 2 months since I last posted! I've just been a little lazy with blogging as my friend, Becky, recently reminded me. I've been meaning to update for a while, but just haven't made time. A lot has changed with 'Miss' Addison since I blogged last. She is at such a fun age, and it seems like she is doing something new everyday. We are in love! Summer break is around the corner, and I'm excited about spending the summer having fun with my little girl, family, and friends! So, for those of you that care, here is what Addison Darby has been up to the last couple of months:
- She has been eating only table food for almost 2 months. This milestone just happened in a matter of a week after she turned one. I was worried that it was going to take a lot longer for that transition to happen. As of right now, she's not a picky eater. She eats a good variety of fruits and vegetables, and will eat what we are eating most of the time.
- She drinks whole milk mostly from a straw sippy cup, but we still give her a bottle at night. We will probably eliminate that shortly....I was going to stop when her bottle liners were all used up.
- She is saying and mimicking a lot of different words. Some of the words are clear, but a lot of them are close approximations of the word. Some words that I can think of that she says on her owns are: mama, dada, bye, go, cracker, baby, bear, dog, ball, book, diaper, this, that. She will mimick a lot of words we say, but doesn't say them spontaneously. She can also sign 'more, all done' and is starting to sign 'milk.' Lately when she's been babbling while she plays, she'll put both hands up with palms facing up like she is asking a question...it's pretty cute!
- She still loves bath time, being read to, songs with hand motions, playing peek a boo, and her stuffed animals and blankets.
- She isn't walking yet, but is really close. This morning she took a step or two by herself. Of course, the steps were taken in pursuit of food items that her parents were eating.
- If you have food in your hand, she will find you to get a bite or the whole thing :)
- We don't have scales at our house, but we think she weighs between 18 and 19 pounds. She seems to have definitely put on weight after she started eating all table food.
- Her hair is getting longer and seems to have gotten lighter.
- She now has 6 teeth with more that seem to be coming soon by the look and feel of her gums
- She is still an affectionate little girl. We love her laying her head on our shoulder and kisses!
Okay, I think those are the highlights from the last couple of months. She has been busy!
We don't have any real big plans for the summer. Hopefully, she will enjoy the pool this summer, so we can spend a lot of time with friends and family swimming. Stephen and I want to get away on a trip just the two of us somewhere in the states, but of course we haven't planned anything. If any of you have any suggestions, I would love to hear them!
Here are some pictures. These are all taken with the camera on my phone. I haven't been good about getting our camera out and taking pictures :(

Addison had popcorn for snack yesterday for the first time and liked it.

She loves crawling into Layla's bed, and Layla is happy to oblige :)

Being silly!

Here she is on Easter.

This was taken yesterday. It is getting hard to get good pictures of her, because she is not really loving being still and cooperative for the camera.
Addison will be 14 months old tomorrow!!!