Yes, I am finally posting pictures from Christmas. We had Addison's first Christmas with my family in Memphis. We had a great week. Here are some pictures from Addison's first Christmas and other activities we did that week:

Addison being held by her cousin, Sam.

Ethan, my nephew, cheesing it for the camera as always.

Getting some lovin' from her cousin, Carter.
Playing with her cousins, Presley and Coby.

Matthew, Ethan, and Wes at Carter's basketball game.

At her first basketball game sitting with her Aunt Lesle

"Playing" doll house with Presley.

Uncle Jason and Presley

Papaw and Sam

Getting a bottle from Uncle Wes

Unwrapping some of her gifts on Christmas Eve

Is she going to unwrap this or just put it in her mouth???

Playing with Carter
Playing with the gifts Santa brought her. She got this dog that looks similar to Layla, and she loves this animal!!!
I LOVE BOTH BLOGS!!!! The picture of Addison after bath is so precious. She has such a great expression on her face. She is adorable.