- Crawling everywhere and pulling up to his knees and feet all the time!
- Has two teeth on the bottom and working on more, I think.
- Continues to be a great night time sleeper and pretty good napper. In the morning, he will get up and just chill in his bed until we come to get him...such a sweet boy!
- Eating fruits and veggies along with his bottles.
- Starting to introduce more finger foods. Not as good at self feeding as I would like, but gets better every day.
- Making noise, but not a ton of babbling going on. As a speech therapist, I'm trying not to let this bother me, but we are working on it :)
- Loves shoes. He has shoe radar, and can find shoes anywhere. He will do all he can to get to the shoe no matter what stands in his way (i.e. objects, couch).
- Smiles and giggles frequently...LOVE it!
- Wearing size 3 diapers and mostly nine month clothes.
- Can clap his hands.
- Responds to his name and momma and Addison saying "No, sir."
- Enjoys being in the water at bath time and our little kiddie pool.
- Tries to put anything and everything in his mouth!
- He has what we refer to as "old man" hair. It likes to lay flat on his head and parted over. We will try to spike it up, but it's only a matter of time until it flat on his head and parted over :)
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Graham is 9 months old!!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Graham's first two weeks..
Weight: 7 lb., 14 oz - 25-50%
Height: 20.8 inches - >75%
Head: 14.8 - >75%
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Born on November 9, 2010
At 7:43 a.m.
Weighing 7lbs., 10 oz.
19 inches long
Here are a couple of pictures of our sweet baby boy! We fell instantly in love with our little man, and feel blessed beyond measure to have two of God's blessings to raise. Addison has handled the adjustment pretty well so far :) Here he is....
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Pictures and what Addison's been up to...
- Talking. She started with a good amount of single words at 15 months, but since then her vocabulary has really increased. She now uses 2 word phrases (i.e. see it, see ___, ___ please, hold it, sit down, come here) a good amount of the time and will throw in some 3 word phrases in, too.
- Can say and identify about 10 body parts.
- Knows a lot of different animals and can make the animal sound that goes with a good amont of them.
- She's a good eater for the most part. Don't get me wrong, every now and again she'll have her picky times.
- Still sucks her thumb when sleepy and some for comfort depending on the situation.
- LOVES her blankets, babies, and stuffed animals!!! She has really started playing with her baby dolls by putting them on her shoulder, putting blankets around them, telling them to sit down, and telling us 'shhh' when she's holding them. Addison has also started becoming interested in purses and putting things in her little purse :)
- When she sees a something on the floor or if she gets near the trash she says 'gross' or 'nasty.' She will also throw her trash away when I tell her to.
- She still loves to be read to.
- Can identify and say the names of a lot of family members and some friends.
- Likes Elmo and Abbie on Sesame Street.
- At the end of our prayers when we say 'in Jesus name', she will usually say 'Amen.'
- Knows that the pantry holds some of her favorite snacks, and will go over to it and ask for the ones she wants. Of course, we don't just give them to her whenever she asks, even when that sweet face adds a 'please' with the request :)
Okay, I'm going to stop now!!!
Addison, you have brought such joy to our lives! We love you more than words can express, and we feel so blessed to be your parents!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Summer update
Splashing around at the sprinkler park when we went to Aunt Tiff's

Addison and daddy at the St. Louis zoo.
Stephen and I in one of our few pictures together from out St. Louis trip.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Father's Day
Happy Father's Day, Babe! We love you!

Here is Addison giving Stephen a kiss.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010
And she's off...
Well, I'm a little late posting about this....Addison started walking about three weeks ago! She has now gotten pretty steady on her feet. She's slowly but surely putting her arms down near her sides more often instead of having them up like she's riding a roller coaster :) It's so cute to see her little body walking around! She really enjoys walking around outside. Here is a video of her today. Please excuse the crazy hair! This was right after she got home from the sitter, and her momma didn't redo her hair for the video shoot :) Also, please forgive the video being sideways...my phone decided to have a mind of it's own today.