Here are a few pictures from Father's Day. Of course, Stephen and I forgot to get pictures of him and Addison together until bed time, but we got some :) Stephen is in LOVE with his baby girl, and it warms my heart to see them interact together. Of course, she loves her daddy. One of the best parts of the day is to see her get excited, yell 'dada', and usually race to the back door when she hears the garage open when Stephen gets sweet! He is such a great dad to our sweet girl. Most every night, he bathes her, gives her her milk before bed, brushes her teeth, and puts her to bed so he can get some special time in with her before bed time, since she goes to bed early. I can't count how many times he's said to me 'Did you know we would love her this much?, She is just so sweet, She is so precious.' There is no doubt in my mind that Addison will always feel treasured by her dad!
Happy Father's Day, Babe! We love you!

Here is Addison giving Stephen a kiss.